
Developing Organizational Resilience Series – Part 4

What is a Business Continuity Plan?
An emergency or disastrous event can affect more than just people, it can also disrupt businesses and organizational operations. When disaster strikes a predetermined Business Continuity Plan (BCP) can guide an organization through effective recovery procedures for all critical business functions.
A BCP provides a framework for the recovery response of an organization to ensure the rapid restoration of all key business processes, infrastructure, and the protection of resources. The development of a BCP requires steps to identify the potential risks an organization could be exposed to, and how the risks can impact operations.

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Developing Organizational Resilience Series – Part 2

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE’S   What is an Emergency Management Committee (EMC)? A team responsible for the development, testing, review, and implementation of the Emergency Management Program (EMP). Appointing an EMC is a critical step in developing organizational resilience. Using a “bottom-up” approach for developing the EMP can formulate a more comprehensive program and reflect the

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