
Developing Organizational Resilience Through Emergency Management – Part 8

Emergency Management is a progressive methodology on improving the resilience towards emergency events – protecting life and property. A critical component of the progression of the field is the ability to share knowledge and provide an environment for continual education. There are many reasons why knowledge sharing is an asset, as described below are a few reasons why it is critical within emergency management.
Situational Awareness
Effective emergency management relies on accurate and timely information about the situation at hand. Sharing information allows emergency managers to gain a comprehensive understanding of the event, including its scope, impact, and evolving nature. This situational awareness enables them to make informed decisions and take appropriate actions to mitigate risks and protect lives and property.

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Developing Organizational Resilience Through Emergency Management – Part 7

What is an After Action Report?
Following an Emergency Exercise/event, a formal report is conducted to summarize the event and discuss the outcome based on the objectives identified within the exercise. This report is known as an After Action Report (AAR), a report that critically analyzes an event and determines recommendations for organizational improvements.
An AAR is conducted by gathering information from the event, such as documents, interviews, or surveys to ascertain participants perspectives. The goal is to identify what went well during the event, what did not go well, and opportunities for improvements where necessary.

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Developing Organizational Resilience Through Emergency Management – Part 6

What is an Emergency Exercise?
An Emergency Exercise is a simulated scenario with the objective to exercise or test response capabilities of an organization. This includes testing emergency plans and procedures to identify any gaps to improve upon.
Emergency exercises have different formats including:

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