
Developing Organizational Resilience Through Emergency Management – Part 6

What is an Emergency Exercise?
An Emergency Exercise is a simulated scenario with the objective to exercise or test response capabilities of an organization. This includes testing emergency plans and procedures to identify any gaps to improve upon.
Emergency exercises have different formats including:

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Developing Organizational Resilience Through Emergency Management – Part 5

What is a Crisis Communication Plan?
During an emergency event clear communication strategies and protocols are essential for an effective response. A Crisis Communication Plan (CCP) is a document that identifies how an organization will communicate to internal occupants and stakeholders during an emergency event. The framework developed within the plan will facilitate the communication strategies to minimize the negative impacts on the organization’s reputation, operations, and relationships.
The Goals of the Crisis Communication Plan
The specific goals of the CCP for an organization will depend on the organization’s operational needs. A CCP improves the following functions of an organization’s operations:

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Developing Organizational Resilience Series – Part 4

What is a Business Continuity Plan?
An emergency or disastrous event can affect more than just people, it can also disrupt businesses and organizational operations. When disaster strikes a predetermined Business Continuity Plan (BCP) can guide an organization through effective recovery procedures for all critical business functions.
A BCP provides a framework for the recovery response of an organization to ensure the rapid restoration of all key business processes, infrastructure, and the protection of resources. The development of a BCP requires steps to identify the potential risks an organization could be exposed to, and how the risks can impact operations.

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