We empower organizations to enhance their life and safety systems

Completing each project milestone successfully, together

Assessing the built environment

Evaluating your existing conditions to assess risks

Based on our long-standing experience, we evaluate existing buildings for fire and life safety compliance issues and assess risks. We have skills you can rely on when assessing your project's current environment.

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A transparent approach to specs

Streamlined project planning: Cost-saving, detailed scope analysis

In the planning phase, we produce a comprehensive and well-detailed scope of work for all parties involved.  We streamline the specifications, staying within your project requirements without any additions outside the scope of work.  Lastly, each option is provided with a technical analysis detailing why it is recommended, allowing you to make decisions with confidence and peace of mind.

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Design and Review

Ensuring a successful design that meets the vision

Your design's successful end result must incorporate fire protection systems and code compliance. We apply diverse technical expertise with the application of the code to assist clients in achieving the intent of their design while mitigating risks.  Through our consulting assistance or by third-party peer review, we help you achieve just that.

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Post-project support

Support beyond project: Efficiency in close-out documentation

LRI’s support extends well after project completion. Our close-out documents are built for future efficiency: avoiding bulk numbers, we neatly divide construction costs to simplify re-ordering or additions. We conduct onsite tests to anticipate AHJ’s final inspection and prepare related official paperwork. Our objective is to set you up for success and reduce you workload at the end of the project.

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Your trusted partner

Collaboration with you is key at LRI. Access our niche expertise in fire protection and life safety compliance. We work together to find creative solutions and drive success.

Meet our experts

Steven Grant,
P.Eng., M.A.Sc.

Vice President Engineering


Matthew Hopley, M.Eng., P.Eng.

Branch Manager Calgary


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